What’s the Ideal Location for Installing a Smoke Cabin in indoor space? 

When it comes to setting up a smoke cabin in your indoor space, choosing the right location is key to maximizing its efficiency and convenience. Let’s delve into the factors you should consider to determine the perfect spot for installing your smoking cabin

Assessing Air Circulation 

One of the primary considerations when selecting a location for your smoking cabin is air circulation. Adequate airflow is essential for the effective capture and removal of smoke and odors. Avoid placing the smoke cabin in a confined or poorly ventilated area, as this can hinder its performance. Instead, opt for a location with good airflow, such as near windows or doors, to facilitate the removal of smoke. 

Ventilation Requirements 

Before installing your smoke cabin, it’s crucial to assess its ventilation requirements. Some models may require access to external vents or exhaust systems to expel smoke outdoors. Ensure that the chosen location allows for easy connection to ventilation ducts or the installation of new vents if necessary. Proper ventilation enhances the performance of the smoking cabin and helps maintain indoor air quality. 

Proximity to Smoking Area 

Consider the proximity of the chosen location to the smoking area when installing the smoke cabin. Placing the cabin near the source of smoke production, such as a designated smoking area or kitchen, can improve its effectiveness in capturing smoke and odors. However, be mindful of safety considerations and ensure that the smoking cabin is positioned away from flammable materials or heat sources. 

Accessibility and Convenience 

Another important factor to consider is the accessibility and convenience of the chosen location. Opt for a spot that is easily accessible for users and maintenance personnel. Ensure that there is enough space around the smoke cabin for easy access to controls, filters, and other components that may require regular maintenance or replacement. 

Noise Levels 

Lastly, consider the noise levels generated by the smoke cabin when selecting its location. While modern smoking cabins are designed to operate quietly, it’s still essential to place the unit away from areas where noise may be disruptive, such as bedrooms or quiet living spaces. Choose a location that strikes a balance between effective smoke capture and minimal noise impact. 


In conclusion, selecting the ideal location for installing a smoking cabin in indoor space requires careful consideration of factors such as air circulation, ventilation requirements, proximity to smoking areas, accessibility, and noise levels. By evaluating these factors and choosing a location that meets the needs of both the smoking cabin and your indoor environment, you can ensure optimal performance and user satisfaction. 

Smoke Cabin

Smoke Cabin

Smoke Solution develops a set of efficient filtering system that can remove most of the airborne pollutants. There is an automatic motion sensor installed in each of the cabin and alternatively regulates the speed of the filtering system according to the movement inside the cabin. For their filters, Smoke Solution uses its own produced CO 2 neutral coconut charcoal. The harvest of the coconut shells is in a sustainable manner, without posing any harm to palm trees, animal habitats or the environment.

The ashtrays of the smoking cabins are fireproof and self-extinguishable. Lighted cigarette thrown into the ashtray will be extinguished and thus remove the risk of fire. Smoke cabins are modular and freestanding, they can be resized and relocated to fit in different locations, and follow the user patterns.
