The Effects of Carbon Monoxide from Cigarettes

What is Carbon Monoxide? 

Carbon Monoxide is a colourless, odourless gas produced from the incomplete burning of wood burning stoves, furnaces, and cigarettes smoke – which can contain high level of Carbon Monoxide. It is tasteless gas that is a small part of the air we breathe. 

It is dangerous if the Carbon Monoxide enters to our body through the blood from the lungs and combines with hemoglobin, it can block the blood’s ability to carry oxygen to body cells. When the level of CO in your blood increases, the ability of your blood is decreased. The long-term exposure at lower levels can lead to heart disease. 

Does Carbon Monoxide Added in Cigarettes? 

Yes, they are added in Cigarettes. Carbon Monoxide is just one out of more than 7,000 chemical compounds hazardous chemicals in cigarette smoke. 250 of which are known to be poisonous and upwards of 70 that have been identified as carcinogens, are known to be present in cigarette smoke. 

The Effects of Carbon Monoxide from Cigarette Smoking 

There are negative effects from the exposure of Carbon Monoxide, some may mimic influenza and include fatigue, headache, dizziness, nausea and vomiting, mental confusion, and rapid heart rate. It is depending on the level of exposure you get. When the level of CO in your blood increases, the ability of your blood to carry oxygen is decreased. It is harmful to your body at any level and it can kill you. Long-term exposure at lower levels can lead to heart disease and the long-term, lol-level exposure to Carbon Monoxide by pregnant women have the potential to injure the developing fetus. 

How many percent does the normal body contain Carbon Monoxide? 

The normal level of carboxyhemoglobin (COHB) in the blood stream from the exposure to carbon monoxide is less than 1%, smokers contain much higher of COHb saturation in their blood. It is because the factors of the cigarette’s brands, number of cigarettes smoked, and the amount of time affect saturation levels. 

A pack-a-day smoker can have a 3% to 6% COHb level in the blood. In someone who smokes two packs a day, the level may be 6% to 10%. In a three pack-a-day smoker, COHb levels may reach 20%. 

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