Water pollution is not new. Homeowners, including me, are increasingly concerned about the quality and contaminants in our water supply that may affect health or the odour. Sources of these contaminants vary, they might include solvents, pesticides, industrial wastes, or contaminants from leaking underground storage tanks. Activated carbon (AC) filtration is among the most effective way to reduce some of these organic chemicals and other odour-producing compounds. But how it works?
Types of Water Filters
There are two basic types of water filters: (1) sediment (or mechanical) filters which filter particles by size, and (2) adsorptive or reactive filters which contain a medium that adsorbs or reacts with a water contaminant. Activated carbon filtration falls on the second category where the contaminant is attracted and held onto the surface of the carbon particles.
The efficiency of the adsorption process is influenced by carbon characteristics (e.g. pore sizes, surface area, density, hardness) and the contaminant characteristics, for example, concentration, tendency of chemical to leave the water and solubility of the contaminant.
The medium for an activated carbon filter can be one of many carbon-based materials, but is typically wood products, coconut shell, or peanut shells. To make the carbon medium works, it has to be “activated” by subjecting to steam and high temperature (2300°F) without oxygen. This activation opens up carbon with many small pores and, therefore, a very high surface area. It is then crushed to produce a granular carbon product. This creates small particles with more outside surface area available to which compounds can adsorb and results in greater contaminant removal. The source of the carbon and the activation method determine the effectiveness of removal for specific contaminants.

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